Tag Cosmetic Rewards

John Barrymore April 13, 2024 3 minutes
In the blog post, we explore the cosmetic rewards available in the Timerunning Pandaria of Dragonflight Patch 10.2.7. Players can now obtain recolored versions of the class-specific three-piece armor set and weapon arsenals from the Trading Post by completing specific Timerunning meta achievements. This provides players with more options and flexibility in earning these sets.
John Barrymore March 20, 2024 2 minutes
The blog post discusses the rewards for winning in the Plunderstorm battle royale. While there are exclusive cosmetic rewards for the Plunderstorm pirate, the main account unlocks a Plunderlord's Monocle and Tabard. Winning also grants the Plunder Wonder achievement, celebrating the victory without blocking access to any cosmetic rewards.
John Barrymore October 28, 2023 2 minutes
Discover the exciting new Uber Bosses in Season of Blood and the unique cosmetic rewards they drop. From fiery mount companions to spiky armor and vampire-themed crowns, there's something for every player to add style to their build. Complete the set by defeating each boss multiple times and roll the dice while waiting for that perfect drop. Which cosmetic is your favorite? Let us know!